The YOD Pod
The YOD Pod
You Okay, Nurse? special edition: The mental health of Critical Care Nurses & how YON will help - ft. the BACCN & Drager
Following the hugely exciting launch of You Okay, Nurse? , we were proud to come together with two truly inspirational change-makers for nurses in this honest insight into the mental health of Critical Care Nurses and how YON will help.
We discuss:
- The need to swap the 'angel' persona with the reality of who ICU nurses are; degree entry, highly specialised professionals
- The deeply saddening results of the BACCN research into ICU nurses' mental health during the pandemic exposing just how widespread and shocking it is
- Exploring why Covid had such an impact on critical care nurses - including the inability to provide high patient care, depersonalisation due to PPE and ever changing teams, impossible demands and its all consuming nature
- The current nurse staffing crisis and how to improve retention
- The reality of inconsistent support for nurses across NHS trusts vs the universal demand
- The positive changes we think need to happen to have real results for nurses' mental health
- The direct impact on improving patient care by improving nurses' wellbeing
- The future of YON & the role it will play to provide every nurse with:
- One constant, caring & supportive community
- Access to bespoke psychological support
- Mental & emotional health tools & skills to face the unique challenges of our profession
- A platform for nurses' voices
- Empowerment to seek help when needed
..& much more :)
Our guests
This episode's guests represent Draeger and the British Association of Critical Care Nursing who have been pivotal supporters and partners in the creation of You Okay, Nurse?
Lesley Youren is Leader of the Hospital Marketing Team & Respiratory Care Manager at Draeger - the international leader in the field of medical & safety technology. Being a former critical care nurse herself, Lesley is driven to create positive change for nurses and someone who has personally inspired YON and YOD from the outset.
Nicki Credland is Chair of the British Association of Critical Care Nursing (BACCN) - one of the leading organisations in critical care nursing, sits on the UK Critical Care Leadership Forum and UK Critical Care Nursing Alliance amongst other influential positions - & has a huge passion for empowering nurses' voices.
This episode is hosted by Dr Dan Gearon, founder of You Okay, Nurse? & You Okay, Doc? - and Chris Cherry, our resident psychotherapist.
You Okay, Nurse? is proud & privileged to join forces with Draeger and the BACCN for this YON Podcast series and to create positive change for nurses' mental health & wellbeing together.
Join our virtual weekly peer-support for nurses
You Okay, Nurse?, supported by Draeger and the BACCN, is hosting 'The Huddle' for nurses every Thursday at 8pm from 13 January - 8 March. The Huddle is a free, confidential and safe virtual space for nurses to come together & share experiences, facilitated by a psychotherapist. To register and find out more, please visit:
If you like what you hear, please do give us a rating to help us reach as many people as possible.
It is worth noting that this is a conversational piece and the opinions and views are of those in this discussion in its own context at that time of the recording.
You Okay, Nurse? is an initiative of You Okay, Doc? (www.youokaydoc.org.uk) - a charity supporting the mental health and wellbeing of doctors. Throughout our podcasts, we discuss issues affecting physical, emotional and mental wellbeing that at times some may find upsetting, if you find yourself affected by these please seek professional help.